These Costa Rican mashed potatoes combine white or gold potatoes with a special stir fry of garlic, onion, cilantro, and red pepper to make a unique and...
These crisp and buttery confections are filled with cajeta, a delicious caramel-like spread made with goat's milk. Perfect for dunking in coffee or satisfying...
Bring beach vibes to your home with this traditional Costa Rican recipe for shrimp and rice that combines white rice, jumbo shrimp, cilantro, onion and...
Complete with red pepper, onions and --of course-- Salsa Lizano, this mouthwatering Costa-Rican style shredded chicken is sure to be a household favorite!...
The Costa Rican torta chilena combines 6-8 layers of pie pastry baked until golden brown and then layered with dulce de leche. The perfect indulgent treat...
Filled with shredded beef and smothered in french fries, this crispy and delicious Costa Rican taco is hard to beat! Here's how to bring this iconic...
This chicharrĂ³n recipe uses marinate pork belly fried until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Popular throughout Costa Rica and the rest...